Friday, February 17, 2012


I love reading food blogs. Nearly every evening, I spent a good 30-60 minutes browsing my favorites and getting inspiration for upcoming meal plans. I'm not a fancy or particularly experienced cook, but I do love food.

My goal with this blog is to document my meal plans, share recipes, and become part of the food blog community I so adore. I cook primarily vegetarian meals, and as a Weight Watchers member, most of the meals are healthy and focus on whole foods. I have a fairly picky husband, a very picky 4 year old, and a 2 year old who will eat practically anything put in front of him.

I work 4 days a week in public health, and also as a birth doula. Most of the time, I need to get meals on the table in about half an hour after getting home from picking the kids up from daycare. I also try to do a lot of meal prep and planning on the weekends.

Welcome to Hungry Hedgehogs!

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