Friday, February 17, 2012

Meal Plan 2/18-2/24

I do my grocery shopping over the weekend, and usually start my meal plan cycle on Saturday. I often cook something on Sunday afternoon that I can eat for breakfast throughout the week, and plan our dinners so we have leftovers to take for lunch on work days.

Sat 2/18- crockpot vegetarian chili

Sun 2/19- friends visiting. Lunch= salad in bread bowls. Dinner= pizza delivery

Mon 2/20- Holiday. Crockpot Quinoa Lentil Kale soup with roasted garlic bread
(Also making baked oatmeal squares for breakfasts)

Tues 2/21- Tofu, Veggie, and Rice Noodle Bowls

Wed 2/22- I won't be home for dinner, since I go directly from the boys' dance class to a doula meeting, but the rest of the fam will probably have "breakfast for dinner"

Thurs 2/23- my weekly dinner date with a friend, TBD

Fri 2/24- spinach and cheese stuffed shells, salad

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